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Rootwads, log jams and

We are aquatic restoration.

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Who We Are

TD&C has experience ranging from
channel and wetland reconstruction, floodplain reconnection, bioengineered bank stabilization, in stream wood placement, roughened channel habitats, culvert replacement, bridge installation, irrigation retrofits, riparian recovery and oak savanna/prairie reclamation.

HOME: Who We Are


TD&C is accustomed to meeting the very specific needs of restoration
projects and working in environmentally and socially sensitive areas.

We implements water way enhancement projects ranging from culvert replacement to dam removal, large wood placement to wetland mitigation. We cary out engineers plans and can aid in the design and approval process of clients need.

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Champoeg Park Dock Revetment

The project consisted of building a vegetated bank revetment consisting of 500CY of boulders, large wood with root-wads and live willow plantings. The challenging aspects of this project included working on a saturated silt riverbank with difficult ingress/egress and the fact thatmuch of the construction was under water in the actively flowing Willamette.

Kelly Creek

Construction crews removed about 24,000 cubic yards of soil to create more than 13 acre-feet of flood storage. New creek meanders provide an additional 200 feet of cold water spawning and rearing habitat for steelhead, cutthroat trout and coho salmon. Two backwater channels were added along Johnson Creek and one on the new Kelley Creek channel to provide wetland habitat, high flow refuge for fish, and floodwater storage.


Elk Creek Floodplain Restoration

The primary goal of the project was to reconnect old floodplain channels, restore tidal floodplain function, provide refugia for aquatic residence and wildlife habitat.

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"Specific actions get results, I like to be part of the solution." - Grahm Trask, Owner

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PO Box 1478 Corvallis, OR 97339


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